martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

A trip to Gibraltar 2017

Our 2nd ESO students, as every year, have visited the British colony. They have put into practice some skills in English and have enjoyed a nice trip. As you can see in the pictures, the funniest moments were with monkeys.

martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Equipo bilingüe 2016-2017

Bajo la coordinación de May Almeida, nuestro equipo bilingüe para este curso está formado por:
 - Vicente Delgado de Matemáticas
 - Ángel López de Ciencias
 - Susana Ortega de Economía y EF
 - Lola Pérez de Ciencias Sociales
Equipo bilingüe 2016-2017

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Maths Presentations

Some of our 1st ESO students have presented orally their projects on Maths. As you can see in these pictures, oral skills and the integration of ICTs are linked closely.

A trip to Gibraltar

Our 2nd ESO students visited Gibraltar last 13 May. They accomplished an exciting gymkhana across its streets. It was a good chance to put into practice their oral skills. Also, they had a wonderful culture trip with a tour guide to know a little bit of the colony. Here you can see a group picture of our students.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Language Assistant 2015/2016

Hi everyone,
Now is time to introduce our Language Assistant... but let her introduce herself:

 Hello! My name is Alexandra Jokic, I am 25 years old and from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I am a language assistant who is teaching in both IES Diego Angulo and CEIP Jose Nogales. I look forward to a wonderful year in Valverde del Camino and cannot wait to contribute to these bilingual classes!

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Bilingual Teachers 2015/16

Hello everyone!

 This year our Bilingual Coordinator will be May Almeida (Departamento de Lengua) and here you have a picture of her and of our Bilingual teachers:

As you can see we have four Bilingual teachers:
- Ángel López Mosquera (Sciences)
- Lola Pérez Mora (Social Sciences)
- Javier Pompa Domínguez (Technology)
- Jesús Valenzuela Muñoz (Maths)

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015